Sides face Grand Square  Well a man come on the 6 o´clock news

said somebody´s been shot, somebody´s been abused

somebody blew up a building sombody stole a car

somebody got away somebody didn´t get too far yeah

Justice is the one thing you should always find

you got to saddle up your boys you got to draw a hard line

when the gun smoke settles we´ll sing a victory tune

We´ll all meet back at the local saloon

We got too many gangsters doing dirty deeds

We´ve got too much corruption too much crime in the streets

It´s time the long arm of the law put a few moore in the ground

Send 'em all to their maker and he´ll settle 'em down

circle left  We´ll raise up our glasses against evil forces

left allemande and promenade   Whiskey for my men, beer for my horses

Tag: swing    Whiskey for my men, beer for my horses


Figure:  Heads (Sides)    ......   Swing and Promenade   Whiskey for my men, beer for my horses