4 girls promenade one time around - Get back and swing your man around
Join hands and circle 'round in a ring - Left allemande and then you weave the ring
He used to boogie up Chicago way
Swing your girl and promenade today
He's in the army now, a-blowing reveille
He's your boogie woogie bugle boy of company B

He's in the army now, a-blowing reveille
He's your boogie woogie bugle boy of company B


Heads (sides) square thru 4 hands around  To the corner and do a right & left thru
Swing thru and the boy run right  1/2 tag, scootback, boy run right
Square thru 3 hands 'round I sing   Swing that corner girl and promenade the ring
He's in the army now, a-blowing reveille
He's your boogie woogie bugle boy of company B