4 ladies chain across that ring now, you turn & chain them right back home again, join all hands, circle to the left go movin' round, left allemande & weave around the ring
I want a chance to dance
swing that girl around and promenade
you're the cutest girl I've ever seen
dancin' in those tight blue jeans
come on baby give me a chance to dance

come on baby give me a chance to dance
heads/sides promenade 1/2 way round the ring you go, down the middle & do the right and left thru, square thru & go 4 hands around you go
do a right & left thru & turn there with that girl, swing thru & let the boys run right now, 1/2 tag, swing the corner, promenade
you're the cutest girl i've ever seen
dancin' in those tight blue jeans
come on baby give me a chance to dance