
Four Ladies Chain across - You turn and Chain your lady send right back home - Join your hands gotta Circle a while - Left Allemande and you Weave

I was dreaming while i drove; Swing with your girl

Promenade her around, your arms open wide

this fever for you was just burning me up inside


Middle Break/Closer (Sides Face Grand Square)

I drove all night..... to get to you
Is that alright? - I drove all night..........
Allemande left and Weave the Ring

Is that alright? - ´cause I´m in love with you - Is that alright?


Heads Square Thru to four hands round - You meet the Sides make a Right Hand Star - Heads Star Left a full turn around

The same two to Right and Left Thru - Why don´t you Swing Thru and then you´re gonna Swing Thru again

Swing your corner; Promenade your arms open wide

This fever for you is just burning me up inside