Opener - Break -  Sides Face Grand Square

Well you know those times when you feel like there´s sign there on your back  - 

says I don´t mind if ya kick me seems like everybody has  - 

things go from bad to worse you´d think they can´t get worse than that, and then they do

You step off the straight and narrow and you don´t know where you are  - 

Use the needle of your compass to sew up your broken heart  - 

Ask directions from a genie in a bottle of Jim Beam and she lies to you do an Allemande left and Weave the ring

If you´re going through hell, keep on going, don´t slow down, If you´re scared, don´t show it

You might get out, before the devil even knows you´re there


Closer   Sides Face Grand Square

If you´re going throught hell keep on going, don´t slow down, if you scared don´t show it

you might get out before the devil even knows you´re there do an Allemande left and Weave the ring

yeah, if you´re going through hell, keep on moving, face that fire, walk right through it,

you might get out before the devil even knows you´re there.


Figure   Heads(Sides)   .....    Swing that Corner Girl and Promenade that way

You might get out, before the devil even knows you´re there