OPENER - BREAK - CLOSER   Sides face, grand square
L - is for the way you look at me
O - is for the only one I see
V - is very, very extraordinary
E - is even more than anyone that you adore

4 ladies chain across you turn the girl & then - Allemande left with the corner & do the right & left grand - But on the 3rd hand, promenade, go walking hand in hand
Love was made for me and you

TAG   Love was made for me and you

Head (side) couples promenade 1/2 way around the floor - Sides (heads) go right & left thru, turn the girl that you adore - Flutterwheel inside the floor, sweep 1/4 more - Pass thru, you dosado, and do an 8 chain 4 - Love is all that I can give to you - Swing the corner lady, promenade her too
Two in love can make it
Take my heart but please don't break it
Love was made for me and you...