OPENER - BREAK - CLOSER    Circle left
Well, I don't have a thing against a pretty little woman
Like her walkin', her talkin' and her smile

Men star right 1 time around - Left allemande and weave the ring
I like the huggin' and the kissin'
And the squeezin' and the teasin'

Swing a little girl and you promenade
Cause with a little bit of luck & my little black book
I'll have another for the sun goes down

Heads (sides) promenade 1/2 way around - Down the middle, pass the ocean there, extend - Swing thru and then girls fold, peel the top
Boys walk up, a right and left thru - Square thru and go 3/4 round - Swing a little girl and promenade
Oh with a little bit of luck & my little black book
I'll have another for the sun goes down