Circle  Lord, I hope this day is good - I'm feelin' empty and misunderstood

Left allemande, Dosado, Left allemande and weave  Lord, I hope this day is good, Swing and Promenade

I should be thankful, Lord, I know I should. But Lord I hope this day is good
Lord, have you forgotten me. I've been prayin' to you faithfully
Left allemand, Dosado, Left allemande and weave  Lord, have you forgotten me. Swing and Promenade

I'm not sayin' I'm a righteous man. But Lord I hope you understand
Lord, I hope this day is good - I'm feelin' empty and misunderstood

Left allemande, Dosado, Left allemande and weave  Lord, I hope this day is good, Swing and Promenade

I should be thankful, Lord, I know I should. But Lord I hope this day is good
Tag: yes Lord I hope this day is good


Figure: …. Swing and Prom.   

I should be thankful, Lord, I know I should - Lord I hope this day is good

I'm not sayin' I'm a righteous man - Lord I hope this day is good