OPENER - BREAK - CLOSER   Sides face, grand square
Let's go to Luckenbach, Texas, With Waylon and Willie and the boys
This successful life we're living's got us
Feudin' like the Hatfields and McCoys

Left allemande, weave the ring
Between those Hank Williams pain songs, and Newberry's train songs
Dosado and promenade
Down in Luckenbach, Texas there ain't nobody feelin' no pain

Down in Luckenbach, Texas there ain't nobody feelin' no pain


Heads promenade and go, halfway around you know, Come down the middle, square thru 4, Four hands around and then, go right and left thru my friend
Turn the girl, veer to the left, you ferris wheel and then, Centers square thru 3/4, swing your corner one time around and promenade
Down in Luckenbach, Texas there ain't nobody feelin' no pain