Standin' on the mountain lookin' down on the city, The way I feel is a doggone pity
Night after night I've been standing here alone, Weeping my heart out 'til the old, gray dawn
Way down below there's half a million people, Somewhere there's a church with a big, tall steeple
Left allemande the corner girl and then you dosado, Allemande left thet corner girl and weave the ring
Teardrops are falling from the mountainside
Praying that you're lonely and you'll call me, too
Inside the church there's an alter filled with flowers, (Wedding bells are ringing that should have been ours)
Swing that girl around and promenade I cry
We used to be so happy, when we were in love, High on a mountain of love

TAG   High on a mountain of love, high on a mountain of love

FIGURE   Heads square thru 4 hands around, Dosado that girl, Swing thru and then, spin the top
Boys move up and right & left thru. Pass thru, chase right, corner lady swing, Swing that corner, promenade the ring
We used to be so happy, when we were in love, High on a mountain of love