OPENER - BREAK    Sides face, grand square                    Called Side Plus!!
Every night in my dreams I see you, I feel you - That is how I know you go on
Love can touch us one time and last for a lifetime - And never let go till we're one

Allemande left and weave
Far across the distance and spaces between us - You have come to show you go on

Love was when i loved you. One true time I hold to In my life we'll always go on 

CLOSER     Head ladies center t-cup chain
Near, far, wherever you are - I believe that the heart does go on
4 ladies promenade, get back home, swing and promenade
And you're here in my heart And my heart will go on and on

TAG    Well, face your partner, and yellow rock

FIGURE Heads (sides) square thru 4  With your corner dosido, Swing thru, girls fold  Peel off, girls trade
Cast off 3/4, load the boat  Swing your girl and promenade
And you're here in my heart And my heart will (go on and on)

ALTERNATE FIGURE Heads square thru 4 with the corner dosado, Swing thru, boys run  Bend the line, do a right and left thru
Ladies, walk across, star thru and promenade
And you're here in my heart, And my heart will go on and on