When the sun goes down on my side of town,

The lonesome feeling comes through my door

The whole world turns    ---------- blue

There's a rundown bar, Cross the railroad tracks
I've got a table for two,Way in the back

Where I sit alone  -  And think of losing you

The jukebox plays on, Drink by drink
The words of every sad song, Seem to say what I think
This hurt inside of me   -   Ain't never gonna end

Left Allemande – Dosido, Allemande Left and Weave The Ring

If you lose your one and only - There’s room here for the lonely

Watch your broken dreams dancing out on the beam of a neon moon

FIGURE:    Heads (Sides) Promenade Half Way, Down The Middle and Pass The Ocean – Extend, Swing Thru and Boys Run Right, Bend The Line –

Reverse Flutter Wheel, Ladies Lead – Dixie Style – Boys Cross Run, Swing Your Corner and Promenade

Watch your broken dreams dancing out on the beam of a neon moon