The lights in the harbor, Don't shine for me

Oh how did I lose you, where did I fail
Oh come to my rescue, come here to me
Left allemande, you dosado, now, Left allemande and weave the ring
On the sea of heartbreak, Lost love and loneliness,

the memory of your caress
Swing and promenade your lady once around
Again my dear, , I'm on a sea of tears, The sea of heartbreak

TAG   The sea of heartbreak

FIGURE Heads square thru and get me 4 now, Dosado the corner one, Swing thru and then the boys you run right, 1/2 tag,

scoot back and go, The boys run right now, come on and slide thru, Pass thru, allemande left new corner lady, Come back and promenade
Again my dear, I'm on a sea of tears, The sea of heartbreak