A Dream is like a River, ever changing as it flows
The Dreamer's just a vessel, that must follow where it goes
Allemande Left the Corner, Turn your Partner right, Allemande Left the Corner and weave the ring tonight
And I will sail my vessel, till the river runs dry
Swing and whirl the lady there and promenade I cry
I'll never reach my destination, if I never try
And I will sail my vessel, till the river runs dry

Head (Side) Couples Square Thru in the middle of the ring you know,All the way to the corner there and do a Do Sa Do
Swing Thru go down the line and then the boys run right,Do a Half-Tag, Walk and Dodge and a Partner Trade
Right and Left Thru and turn that lady and roll a Half-Sashay,The Boys Walk… Straight ahead…Swing Corner Promenade
I'll never reach my destination, if I never try
And I will sail my vessel, till the river runs dry