Opener / Break/ Closer

Four ladies chain across you turn your girl, you roll away and circle left go round the world, four ladies roll away you circle left go round the ring you fly, alemande left an weave the ring
Amie what you wanna do,
swing your and promanade you do
Amie I could stay with you

for a while maybe longer if I knew.

TAG   Sides face, Grand Square NUR ½
Falling in and out of love with you,

falling in and out of  l o v e   w i t h  y o u.

Heads square thru four hands around you fly, you make a right hand star and turn it once oh my, the heads star left one time anround that ring, and right and left thru, and you turn your honey fo a double swing thru, Amie what you wanna do, Swing that corner girl and promenade around that ring
I think I could stay with you for a while maybe longer if I knew