OPENER - BREAK - CLOSER Sides face, grand square
I’ve got friends in low places
Where the whiskey drowns and the beer chases
My blues away, And I’ll be okay

Four Ladies chain across and back

I’m not big on social graces
keep this girl and promenade her
Oh, I’ve got friends in low places
Heads (sides) promenade halfway round
Walk in, square thru go 4
Go all the way, do a right & left thru
You Roll Away, Star Thru an then

Trade By, Swing that corner, promenade

I´ll be as hight as that Ivory Tower

that you´re livin´ in


 I’ve got friends in low places













Alternate lyrics
**Blame it all on my roots
    I showed up in my boots
    And ruined your black tie affair

***I guess I was wrong
      I just don’t belong
      But then, I’ve been there before