When I wake up, early in the morning
The first thing on my mind is loving you ... loving you
Allemande left with the corner lady, dosado your own
The boys star left, one time you do
Turn thru at home and do a left turn thru with the corner
Swing your own then promenade
Ever since the day I found you,

it's just good being around you
And the very best thing of all is that you're mine
Heads square thru and go and the first thing on my mind
Is meet the corner, dosado
Swing thru without a stop, spin the top
The boys move up and a right & left thru, turn the girl you know
Square thru you know, but on the third hand slide thru
Swing the corner girl and promenade
Ever since the day I found you,

it's just good being around you
And the very best thing of all is that you're mine