
I knew the bride when she used to rock and roll - I knew the bride when she used to rock and roll

– Into the middle and back - Into the middle and back

(Opener): Sides Face Grand Square

Well, the bride was a picture in the gown that her mama wore

When she was married herself nearly twenty-seven years before

 (Harmonica (and rhythm) Instrumental - 32 beats)

I can see her now drinking with the boys - Breaking their hearts like they were toys

She used to do the pony, she used to do the stroll - I knew the bride ...

– Allemande Left and Weave

They had to change the style a little - but it looked just fine

I can see her now in her tight blue jeans -Stuffing all her money in the record machine

I knew the bride when she used to do the pony - I knew the bride when she used to rock and roll

– Swing your girl and Promenade

Stayed up all night, but they got it finished just in time

(Spinning like a top, you should’ve seen her go) I knew the bride when she used to rock and roll

(I knew the bride when she used to want a party )I knew the bride …

TAG: Sides Face Grand Square

I knew the bride when she used to do the pony - I knew the bride when she used to rock and roll

I knew the bride when she used to want a party - I knew the bride …


(Figure 1 and 4): HEADS SQuARE ThRU and count Four hands around you know - TOUCH A QUARTER, WALK AND DODGE, BOYS TRADE, everybody LEFT HAND TRADE, BOYS TRADE


Stayed up all night, but they got it finished just in time


(Figure 2 and 3):

HEADS PROMENADE go HALFWAY around the ring - come down and SQuARE ThRU Four - Four hands around the ring RIGHT AND LEFT THRU, HALF SASHAY, PASS THRU, TRADE BY

BOX THE GNAT, SQuARE ThRU THREE hands around, Left Allemande, PROMENADE her home

Stayed up all night, but they got it finished just in time