Opener, Break, Close   (Sides Face, Grand Square)

Lets Marvin Gaye and get it on

You've got the healing that I want

Just like they say in that old song, “until the dawn”

Lets Marvin Gaye and get it on   (Allemande Left and Weave the Ring)

I'm begging mercy, mercy, please

You've got to give it up to me

You got to give it up to me
I'm screaming mercy, mercy please

Just like they say in that old song, “until the dawn”

Lets Marvin Gaye and get it on

Tag: Just like they say in that old song, “until the dawn”,

Lets Marvin Gaye and get it on


Figure:  Heads Pass Thru and Cloverleaf,  Sides Left Square Thru Three

Touch a Quarter – Walk & Dodge and Partner Trade

Reverse the Flutterwheel, Square Thru Three Hands round the ring and then

Swing the girl around – Promenade the town

It's so subtle; I'm in trouble

But I'd love to be in trouble with you