A Dream is like a River, ever changing as it flows
The Dreamer's just a vessel, that must follow where it goes
Allemande Left the Corner, Turn your Partner right
Allemande Left the Corner and weave the ring tonight
And I will sail my vessel, till the river runs dry
Swing and whirl the lady there and promenade I cry
I'll never reach my destination, if I never try
And I will sail my vessel, till the river runs dry

Head (Side) Couples Square Thru in the middle of the ring you know
All the way to the corner there and do a Do Sa Do
Swing Thru go down the line and then the boys run right
Do a Half-Tag, Walk and Dodge and a Partner Trade
Right and Left Thru and turn that lady and roll a Half-Sashay
The Boys Walk… Straight ahead…Swing Corner Promenade
I'll never reach my destination, if I never try
And I will sail my vessel, till the river runs dry